At East Rainton Primary School the staff are dedicated to providing a stimulating, exciting environment where everyone feels valued and safe. Everyone has the opportunity to reach their potential within a supportive learning environment. We aim to develop an interest in learning as well as respect for others. We have high expectations of all children enabling them to become excellent citizens in the future. It is through a supportive partnership approach that we can work with children and their families to achieve the best for every child.Upcoming Events
All EventsAttendance: 3rd February – 7th February
Year 1
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Year 4
Year 5
Year 6
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Here is a little snippet of our singing superstars! ... See MoreSee Less
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They sure were!!!
Amazing 🤩
Aw bless them
On Monday, some of the children from KS1 visited Hetton primary to take part in Infantasia. They sang two songs for other local primary schools and listened to other school sing too. They were fantastic and super brave to stand on that stage and sing beautifully. A huge thank you to Sunderland Music Hub for organising such a wonderful event. Well done everyone! ... See MoreSee Less
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Well done everyone!
Dona Sheraton
In Science, Year 6 have been investigating reversible and irreversible changes. Lat week they explored reversible changes by heating and then cooling different materials. This week they explored the irreversible change of burning. They all liked wearing the safety goggles but they didn’t like some of the smells! ... See MoreSee Less
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Yesterday, Year 5 and Year 6 worked with Theatre Space NE CIC on a full day of activities linked to their work on the Ancient Greeks. They enjoyed acting out the roles of Ancient Greek Gods in the morning then, in the afternoon, they created clay pots using examples from Ancient Greece as their inspiration. We can’t wait to see how they look once they’ve dried. ... See MoreSee Less
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Well done to:
Nursery ⭐️ Jake ⭐️ for being more independent and having a good week in nursery
Reception ⭐ Natalia ⭐️for having more confidence in reading and writing
Year 1 ⭐️ Ruby-Leigh ⭐️ for always trying her best and always being polite
Year 2 ⭐ Ethan⭐️ for increased effort in all lessons and improved presentation
Year 3 ⭐️ Harper ⭐️for always trying her best in lessons
Year 4 ⭐ Daisy ⭐️for increased motivation in challenging herself
Year 5⭐️ Oliver ⭐️for asking lots of sensible questions in lessons this week
Year 6 ⭐️ Eirinn ⭐️for improved resilience and ambition in Maths
🏆 Sports Award Winner 🏆
Evie for always trying her best in PE and having a smile on her face ... See MoreSee Less
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Well done Evie, your mama will be so proud of you ❤️ xxxx
Well done Evie xxx
That’s my girl well done Ruby ❤️❤️❤️❤️
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Another week and another huge bunch of ambitious children who have reached royal bee 🐝 ... See MoreSee Less
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