We have compiled a list of fun and educational websites full of games for children to access.

Please click the images to be directed to the websites.




Packed with phonics games
and assessments.

Allow children to practice
their times tables against their
friends or independently.

A huge range of games
for both maths and english for all ages.

Phonics games to help teach children the relationship between letters and sounds 

Interactive games linked with the curriculum

Help with your homework, revision and learning

Oxford Owl
Provides online reading

Interactive games from various websites collated here.

Full of science activities. Look out for the *suitable for home* tag.

Spelling games for all ages covering the NC spelling lists.

Aimed at children age 6-12. Full of games, printables and shows.

Aimed at children age 3+. Full of games, printables and shows

Aim to review all games to ensure they are safe and free for children.