Welcome to Class 2


Welcome to our Class 2 page, the home of Year 1 and Year 2.

Mrs Metcalfe teaches Monday-Thursday and Mrs Toole teaches on a Friday.

We also have help from Miss Storr

Important information:


Current Learning

Click the links to see what we will be learning:

Autumn Cycle 1 Planning


KS1 follow Bug Club Phonics to teach phonics and early reading skills.

Children all have a reading diary and reading book which comes home in their book bag each day. We encourage children to read at home each night. When your child has read at home can you sign and date their diary and write a comment so that we know how they are finding their reading at home.

Please click the links below to find out how you can access Bug Club Phonics and support your child with their reading

Bug Club Letter

Bug Club Parent Guide

Reading Booklet

We also have all of our children signed up to ‘Teach Your Monster To Read’  Please click here for more information.

Children will also have access to ‘Spelling Shed’ which will allow them to practice their spellings each week in a fun and repetitive way to help really embed their spelling skills. Click here to read more about Spelling shed.



Children should practice their skills on Numbots. 

Numbots Letter



 PE takes place on a Wednesday and Friday. Please ensure your child has a white t-shirt, black shorts and trainers for PE. In the winter you may provide jogging bottoms to wear if PE is outside. If your child wears tights regularly please provide a pair of socks. Earrings must be taken out, if this can not be done then please provide plasters to wear over the earrings.

Useful Documents`

Phonics Sound