The teaching of science at East Rainton Primary school aims to help our children to gain an awareness and understanding of the world and their role within it. We encourage children to ask questions about the world by exploring in a practical way and to take part in hands on experiments. We aim to make all lessons stimulating and memorable to support children in securing their scientific knowledge and vocabulary as well as promoting a love of learning and asking questions.
Science in East Rainton Primary School is taught in blocks over a two year cycle. Through independent, interactive and collaborative learning children are encouraged to explore a wide range of different topics. Topic blocks are planned in accordance with the National Curriculum with a strong focus on developing a depth of knowledge and skills. Vocabulary is an important element of all science lessons and children are given opportunities to review and recall vocabulary linked to current and previously taught topics. Teachers will use Collins Connect to support them in creating resources tailored to the needs of each class and relevant to the topics and objectives of each lesson. Children carry out regular investigations after being given the opportunity to plan and prepare these independently and with their peers. Children are encouraged to present their findings in a systematic way which reflects fair testing. Linking Science and maths activities enables children to apply their knowledge from both subjects in a meaningful way. All science lessons begin with a memory jogger activity that gives children the opportunity to review previous learning and support them in addressing any gaps in their learning. Memory joggers also provide teachers with regular insights into children’s needs and assess their understanding of previously taught topics. Scientific vocabulary is displayed in all classrooms and referred to by teachers during lessons and discussions. Working walls are used in KS2 classrooms to support children in their acquisition of knowledge; knowledge organisers are also on each display to support children and be a point of reference during each topic.
The impact of our science curriculum will be a school where children have a love for learning and a confidence to ask questions and lead investigations to find answers. We will be able to deliver lessons in which children are enthusiastic, engaged and confident in applying their knowledge and skills in various ways. Teachers will assess children’s understanding and acquisition of skills throughout each topic and continue to amend assessment records upon reflection of memory jogger sessions in each lesson. Assessments will be passed on to each new year group teacher to ensure continuity in addressing the needs of individual children for each topic covered.