Welcome to Class 3
Welcome to our Year 3 & 4’s class page!
We work very hard but have lots of fun too learning about some very interesting things!
Below you will find useful information about the topics we are learning about this year and links to useful website to support your children’s learning.
Mrs Curry & Mrs Watson
Important information:
Reading Books
Children all have a reading diary and reading book which comes home each day. We encourage children to read at home each night. When your child has read at home can you sign and date their diary and write a comment so that we know how they are finding their reading at home.
Books will be changed once children have read to an adult at least once and completed an ‘accelerated reader’ quiz. They need to achieve 60% or above for the first few weeks whilst they are getting used to the quizzes then they will need to achieve 80% after October half term.
Children must wear a white t-shirt and black or navy jogging bottoms – no tight fitting clothes to be worn. An appropriate black or navy, plain jumper can be worn in addition to this. Year 3 & 4 will have PE on Wednesdays and Thursdays this year.
Children should be able to read and spell the below words by the end of year 3. Each week children are given a set of 10 spellings on a Friday to learn for a test the following week. It is important that children practise these every day to ensure they can recall these spellings. Children can practise on spelling shed, in their spelling book or on paper.
accident actual actually address answer appear arrive believe bicycle breath breathe build busy business calendar caught centre century certain circle complete consider
continue decide describe different difficult disappear early earth eight eighth enough exercise experience experiment extreme famous February forward fruit grammar group
guard guide heard heart height history imagine increase important interest island knowledge learn length library material medicine mention minute natural naughty
notice occasion occasionally often opposite ordinary particular peculiar perhaps popular position possession possess possible potatoes pressure probably promise purpose quarter question
recent regular reign remember sentence separate special straight strange strength suppose surprise therefore though although thought through various weight woman women
To support Y4 with their recall of multiplication facts in preparation for the KS2 check, we have provided each child with a log in for ‘Times Table Rockstars’ If you wish for more information about this, please don’t hesitate to ask. They can also use URBrainy online to practise as it uses a similar format to the actual check in May.
Useful Links