The teaching of music at East Rainton Primary School aims to help our children believe that they are musical and promote a life-long love of music in its many forms. We encourage the development of skills, knowledge and understanding that will help our children be confident performers, composers and listeners. At East Rainton, we explore music from around the whole world with the aim of teaching our children to develop an appreciation and respect for cultural traditions and communities.
Our children will learn how to play untuned and tuned instruments. Year 3 and Year 4 will have two full years to learn firstly the recorder and then the chalumeau. The children will then carry on with the clarinet in years 5 and 6 if they choose to do so. All children also have the opportunity to develop their musical expertise by having the opportunity to play one of our other instruments taught in school. We have two very skilled peripatetic music teachers who deliver music lessons for violin, trumpet, cornet and tenor horn.
Across our curriculum, the children will learn how to listen, appraise, improvise and compose music. They will also develop a knowledge of the history of music and how music can be written down.
At East Rainton Primary, we use Kapow Primary’s Music scheme to support our delivery. Each lesson of the units aims to capture the interest and enthusiasm of our children. As well as learning how to sing fluently and expressively, our children will learn how to play both tuned and untuned instruments and identify the various dynamics of music using these well in their own compositions.
In each lesson, children will take part in many activities drawn from a range of styles and traditions developing their musical skills. Lessons include a range of teaching strategies from independent tasks, paired work and group work. All the lessons are ‘hands-on’ and incorporate movement and dance elements which make cross-curricular links with other areas of learning.
Kapow Primary Music includes teacher videos and resources which support ongoing CPD for staff. Topic specific webinars are also available to further enhance staff CPD and confidence in delivering music.
Music is delivered every week for 45mins-1 hour. In Years 3 and 4, an additional 30 min lesson takes place to teach the recorder and chalumeau. The children’s musical talent is celebrated in termly performances and a yearly production, usually held just before Christmas, where parents/guardians are invited. In addition to this, we have informal performances and assemblies throughout the year as well as school assemblies each week.
The children can be seen engaging and enjoying music lessons across the school and their knowledge and skills are transferred across the whole curriculum. Our children are confident when describing what they like about a piece of music and can compose their own pieces to their own style.
Our children enjoy their experiences of learning tuned and untuned instruments and some continue with their musical education in secondary school. In performances, children are proud to show their skills and knowledge to the rest of the school and their friends and family.
Staff use assessment, both formative and summative, to monitor the impact of music lessons. Any gaps are identified in children’s knowledge and skills and, together with the subject lead, strategies are identified to support the child or children further.
Kapow curriculum map Music condensed
DFE Music development plan 24-25