Welcome to Class 4
Year five are in class 4. The teacher is Miss Watson and the Teaching Assistant is Mrs Mence. On Wednesday afternoons, Mrs Cox teaches in class 4 whilst Miss Watson has her planning and preparation time.
Children in Class 4 have PE every Monday and Tuesday. Children will need to come to school in PE kit and trainers on PE days. Children that wear earrings need to remove these for PE and should keep a packet or container to keep them safe in or alternatively, consider not wearing earrings on a PE day.
Reading books
Children will read in class every day; please ensure they bring their reading book and reading diary into school every day.
Please support your child’s reading development by reading regularly with them at home. As your child becomes more independent in reading, they may not wish to read with you. Instead you could ask them to tell you about what they have read and ask them some questions about it to develop their comprehension skills. This can still be recorded in their reading diaries. Once children are confident, competent readers, they can begin to choose their own books to read. This is aimed at developing their love of reading. By choosing books from a range of authors and genres, children will hopefully begin to read for pleasure.
All Children in Class 4 can choose a library book to read at home. These books are chosen to read for pleasure and children will be supported to discover the genre of book that grabs and holds their attention. Children can choose and change their library book every Friday.
Children in Year 5 need to be continuing their learning at home to practise and develop their knowledge and skills learnt in school.
Children will be given new spellings every Monday and tested on them on a Friday. Children are encouraged to use Spelling Shed regularly at home to do this.
Children will also be expected to continue learning and practising their times tables which they can do using and Timestable Rockstars. This will support them in much of the Year 5 curriculum.
These can both be accessed online for free as well as being available to download as apps on devices.
Useful Documents