We have been looking at the value of numbers and using lots of resources to help us.
We have been working hard on our addition and subtraction skills.
We have been looking at the value of numbers and using lots of resources to help us.
We have been working hard on our addition and subtraction skills.
As part of their science topic, the children in class 4 investigated the colour of light using prisms and found that what we see as white light is actually made up of all the colours of the rainbow. The children then completed a colour wheel, using these colours, to see if they could make white light. Once they had practised the technique, they were happy to see that their experiment worked and had great fun at the same time.
The children all got into the Christmas spirit at the end of the Autumn term by having a Rock Band visit the school. At first, the children sat very smartly listening carefully to the string of famous songs but it wasn’t very long before children and staff alike were dancing away! The whole experience was thoroughly enjoyed by all the children and staff. Thank you to Chris Little and his band for giving us such a lovely start to the holidays!
This autumn, the whole school had chance to learn how to draw portraits of their favourite characters. Kerry Cook, from the Sunderland Art Rooms, held a workshop for each year to teach the children the skills they need to produce effective portraits.
As part of their topic this term, Year 5 & 6 spent the morning cooking traditional Mayan food. They made tortillas from scratch and also hot chocolate made with cocoa. The best part of the day, after they had cleaned up, was tasting their hard work!
Year 5 and 6 enjoyed a full day with Theatre Space this November to find out more about the Mayan Civilisation. They took part in drama as well as arts and crafts. See some of our photographs below.
We have had lots of fun this term settling into our new class/year group