This term, Year 4 and 5 have been exploring natural resources in Britain. They have found out about how we make energy from coal and gas and have discussed the problems with using these non-renewable resources. They have also explored the natural resource, wood, and where the different types of wood come from and why we import lots of our wood into Britain. Within our study of wood, we considered how paper was made and we were all shocked to find out how much our country uses in one year.
We visited Miss Exley and Year 3 to find out how they had made their own paper from recycled paper in school. Year 3 were able to explain the process of paper-making and they described the steps needed to complete the task. They showed Year 4 and 5 their paper and explained what else they would need to make the paper smoother. Year 4 and 5 were even able to keep some of the paper year 3 had made.