Whilst on our rock hunt, we were able to go into the village church and spend a few minutes thinking about our Queen who had just died. We thought about what her reign meant to us and thought about all the good she had achieved in her life. The children had the opportunity to enjoy the quiet in the church and also explore some of the beautiful pieces of sculpture and art.

As part of our science this term, Year 3 and 4 explored the different types of rocks around the village. They respectfully walked around the local graveyard thinking about the similarities and differences in the rocks they saw. They even had the opportunity to feel how crumbly the sandstone was on the church building after it had been repaired with concrete.
As part of their Design and Technology this term, Year 3 made Japanese Fruit skewers. They all tried lychees and plum sauce before making their own skewers with various fruits. Once they were warmed under the grill they enjoyed eating the fruits of their labour!

In history, Year 3 made their very own timeline using 1cm for every 1 year of their life. They also thought about the length of the timeline for their parents and grandparents and drew them too. The children then looked at how long ago the Stone Age, Bronze Age and Iron Age existed and discussed how long the timeline would need to be ……. they decided it would need to be very, very long!

On Friday 16th September, Year 3 had their first recorder lesson with Mr. Hamilton. He was very impressed with how the children identified the notes, held their recorder and played their very first song as a group. We even had a soloist to play the new song. Well done Year 3 – keep practising!