The choir performed at St. Cuthbert’s Church Crib service on Tuesday 3rd December. They performed Let It Snow, Silent Night (in both English and German) and finally Must Be Santa. They all sang beautifully – well done everyone!
The choir performed at St. Cuthbert’s Church Crib service on Tuesday 3rd December. They performed Let It Snow, Silent Night (in both English and German) and finally Must Be Santa. They all sang beautifully – well done everyone!
The choir took part in the opening ceremony of Houghton Feast on Friday 4th October. For once, the weather was very kind. The children enjoyed the experience of singing with other schools and Miss Taylor. Everyone had a wonderful time!
The choir performed at St. Cuthbert’s Church Crib service on Tuesday 3rd December. They performed Let It Snow, Silent Night (in both English and German) and finally Must Be Santa. They all sang beautifully – well done everyone!
On Friday 16th September, Year 3 had their first recorder lesson with Mr. Hamilton. He was very impressed with how the children identified the notes, held their recorder and played their very first song as a group. We even had a soloist to play the new song. Well done Year 3 – keep practising!
The children across KS2 all has the opportunity to try out some brass instruments with Mr Hamilton to see if they would like to learn to play. Many of the children loved the idea of playing a brass instrument.
The addition of brass instruments to our music tuition classes has proven very popular. The children are loving the opportunity to play some lovely instruments. Currently we have two groups having lessons on a Wednesday(a tenor horn group and a cornet group) however Sunderland Music Hub have be kind enough to buy us some further instruments so we can start another group very soon. During the last week of half term, I was able to pop into the lessons and was very surprised as to how much the children can play already. They are obviously practising hard-well done!